Frequently Asked Questions
Campers are assigned to a dorm based on their age, gender, and with reference to any friend groups listed on the registration application. We do our best to ensure friends are bunked in the same dorm as long as they are close in age. Each dorm features bunk beds and a communal bathroom for the dorm. Bunks are claimed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please visit the CRR Riding Program page for more information!
YES! We have camper horses for all interests and experience levels. Our horses come in all shapes, sizes, colors, breeds, dispositions and personalities. This helps Savannah have a wide variety to select from when pairing horses with their riders for the week.
All camper medications (prescription and over-the-counter) are kept in the Camp Health Center and are distributed by Camp Health Supervisors based on the instructions given by the parent/guardian at the time of check-in. Generally, we have meds called at the following times: Morning (at breakfast, 8am), Lunch (12:30pm), Afternoon (3pm), Dinner (5:30pm), and Nighttime (8:30pm). Custom administration or on an as-needed basis is available. Call or text the camp phone line with questions!
With the fresh air, sunshine, physical activity, and balanced diet, it’s rare illnesses appear at Circle R. If a camper comes to the Health Office due to illness symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, headache, etc., the camper is evaluated by the Camp Health staff and parents are notified. The Camp Nurse advises on all treatments given at Circle R, and trains the Health Staff alongside Management. We have an infirmary on-site with separate sleeping quarters and a relationship with St. Gabriel’s Hospital in Little Falls, MN should the need arise. Please contact the Camp Health Office with questions!
To provide a safe and immersive camp experience, we prohibit campers from taking cell phones and cameras on the trail ride and during certain times of the day. When campers arise in the morning to attend the riding program, their phones are locked in their respective dorm’s lockboxes. The campers tack their horses, eat breakfast, go on trail rides, turn their horses out, enjoy lunch, and then have a rest hour. Campers are permitted their phones following rest hour, from 2:30 pm - 10:00 pm until lights out. Campers may still retain their phones overnight as long as they are not a distraction/hindrance to other campers’ sleep. To contact your camper via phone anytime, please call the camp line at 320-558-3522, and press 5 for the Facility Line in the main menu. Management reserves the right to remove cellphone privileges if the use is creating a hindrance for any campers. Please call or text us with questions regarding this policy.